Street Kings Car Show Sponsorship Information. - Miami, FL
Dear Sponsor,
Thank you for your interest on becoming a sponsor at the Street Kings Car Show
in Miami, FL on May 18-20, 2012. Our mission is to provide the best possible
networking and entertainment atmosphere in the automotive industry. As you know
space is limited and is based on first come first serve basis.
Just to give you an idea on how large the show is, we are expecting anywhere from
30,000 – 50,000 people attending the show through out the 2 full day convention.
The Street Kings Auto Show is the Largest Custom Car and Bike Show in North America
and has received more recognition than any other shows in the country.
Between the vendors and spectators we have over 100,000 visitors every year.
You can be sure to say that we are number one in our industry. This year 2011-2012
the Street Kings Franchise is bringing the world famous auto show to South Florida...
We will also be packed out with national celebrities attending the show.
Special appearances and events take place every day. Please check our
Event Schedule for up-to-date listings once it is posted.
Attached is some basic information on the show. Sponsorships rates start at
$10 per square foot with a minimum space requirement of 10X10.Please reply to
this email with your company contact information and one of our representatives
will contact you for bookings and reservations. 
Again thank you for your consideration.
Street Kings USA Staff

